Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Religion and Prayer Must Not be Permitted in Public...
Early American colonists anticipated a country full of freedoms and opportunities. As the new government was beginning to develop, the Founders took into consideration the restrictions placed on them and their fellow immigrants in their former home lands. One difficulty the colonists encountered back in Europe was the inability to practice a desired religion or not to practice one at all. Since the newly formed country was made up of people from more than one religious background, the government had to come up with a way to accommodate all of its citizens. Understanding the countrys diversity, the writers of the Constitution of the United States of America included in the First Amendment the words, Congress shall make†¦show more content†¦Since the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment protects the citizens from being influenced or offended by government sponsor ed religion, prayer in the public school system is intolerable. Accordingly, the idea of secular ism was first proposed by James Madison in the religion clauses, because he wanted to avoid any sort of political influence on religious institutions (Alley 1 8). As a result of Madisons initiation of the concept of secularism, the role of religion in government institutions such as schools is now considered unconstitutional. In defiance to the Courts separation of church and state ruling, many public school districts persist to support the exercise of prayer. Numerous cases have arisen reflecting the opposing views on the role of prayer, including the 1962 precedent setting court case Engel v. Vitale. The debate occurred because the children of a New York public school district were required to recite the following lines every morning: Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon thee, and we beg t hey blessing upon us, our parents, our teachers and our country (Sikorski xi). In response, the Supreme Court immediately reprimanded the school system by declaring the act unconstitutional and banning the prayer. The school and other advocates ar gued that the prayer was nondenominational and shouldShow MoreRelatedThe Practice of Religion in Public Schools762 Words  | 4 PagesThe Practice of Religion in Public Schools The â€Å"establishment†or â€Å"religion†clause of the First Amendment of the Constitution reads: â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof†(Education Week, 2003, para. 2). It is from this clause that the idea of separation of church and state comes. It is also the basis for much of the debate regarding the practice of religion in public schools (Education Week, 2003). OneRead More Religion in Public Schools - More Questions than Answers Essay examples1161 Words  | 5 PagesPrayer in Public Schools - More Questions than Answers  Censorship is a very broad topic. Is it good or bad? Often, we ask ourselves if such things need to exist because of the First Amendment right. It states, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. (AmendmentsRead MoreThe United States As A Christian Nation1263 Words  | 6 PagesGodly principles as portrayed in the U.S. Constitution, and as well as the Declaration of Independence. As society continues to argue over the inclusion of religion in politics, members of society reap the effects in many areas, particularly in the education system. I strongly agree that the United States was founded as a Christian nation. Religion has been a large part of this country, starting with the very first people to arrive in America, the Pilgrims. Breaking away from the Church of EnglandRead More Religion and Prayer in Public Schools Essay1469 Words  | 6 PagesReligion in Public Schools  The practice of religion has been a major factor in American culture for centuries. The religion clause of the First Amendment, which states Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, was developed to preserve the freedom of religion (Haynes 2). The religion clause was designed to protect religion from the control of the government, but, consequently, it restricts the expression of religionRead MoreThe Debate Over School Prayer1096 Words  | 5 PagesThis paper will examine the topic of prayer in school. School prayer has remained a subject of national debate in the United States. This freedom has slowly but surely been taken away from students across the country. By bringing to light the laws pertaining to prayer in schools, understanding the current situation in schools, and rewriting school policy regarding prayer, this travesty can be avoided before it grows further. The dispute over school prayer has stemmed from the government s viewsRead MoreRogerian Argument1221 Words  | 5 PagesBrines Religion In Your Schools Religion, whether we realize it or not, is a major element of American society (and also worldwide history). For many, religion is a significant part of their cultural identity. Religion plays a part in all levels of politics and is often an aspect of community events and organizations. Everyday, we all interact with people who have different religious backgrounds and personal beliefs. Children born into religious families are very connected with their religions fromRead More Religion and School Prayer in Public Schools Essays1853 Words  | 8 Pagespractice the same religion, Americas first legislators made certain that government intervention in religious matters was prohibited. Therefore, religious freedom was ensured in the First Amendment to the Constitution, as it states, Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. . . (Whitehead, Rights 49). This statement allowed Americans to f reely express and practi ce or chose not to practice a religion. The two distinct partsRead MoreEssay Muslims and the Religion of Islam1078 Words  | 5 Pagesdecided to choose the religion of Islam. I decided to pick this religion because of its fast growing rate. It is also different from what I am used to growing up with, so I was interested in learning more. 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While the study of Islam remains at its core, the modern SaudiRead More The Removal of Prayer from Public Schools Essay4217 Words  | 17 Pages The removal of prayer from public schools is a very controversial and misunderstood debate. This paper will address the history of the debate, common myths and misunderstandings, and the current trends. History of the Debate: Public schools originated in 1647 in the Massachusetts Bay Colony and soon spread across New England. They began with an elementary school for every fifty families and a Latin school for every one hundred families. Their mission was to
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Theme Of Hate Essay - 1451 Words
The theme hate is present in all the stories that we read this semester. Every story has an overwhelming amount of hatred, all hatred of another race. There is no other reason for the hatred other than the race they are. The goal they have is to mock or hurt or kill the others for being exactly who they are, and they can’t help it. I will talk about all the stories we learned about in this class and how this theme made it the book that it is. In The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Junior sees so much hatred. He’s in the unique position throughout the whole book where he can see both sides. He sees how much the white people hate the Indians and how much the Indians hate the white. He even receives much of the hatred himself.†¦show more content†¦Atticus talks about how people don’t seem to care. As they grow up they lose that guilt and they don’t want to see the truth they see what they want to. â€Å" ‘I don’t know, but t hey did it. They’ve done it before and they did it tonight and they’ll do it again and when they do it-- seems that only children weep.’ â€Å" (Lee, 213) Atticus is able to change many people’s minds but not all and that’s because people are afraid the change their minds, they’re afraid of what might happen. The thought seems to be very old fashioned. And Atticus who is wealthy and white is hated in the book simply because he is defending an African American. Some people don’t seem to want to hate him but because he is always in the way and defending someone of the race they hate feel they have to. But Mr. Ewell is the man in the story who uses his hatred. He blames Tom for something he didn’t do and tried to hurt Atticus’s family for not hating like he does. There’s also hatred toward a man in town named Boo Radley. And this is all because of rumors that have been going around. He is never seen in the town, he has a mystery about him so most people are afraid. But at the end of the book he saves Jem and Scout’s lives from Mr. Ewell. She realizes he is not what everyone says, he’s kind and gentle and saved her and her brothers lives. She knows after all these experiences that what her father says is true. â€Å" ‘You never really understand a person until you consider things fromShow MoreRelatedConflict Within Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare1295 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout Romeo and Juliet the theme of conflict is conveyed in many forms, mostly through physical violence; reflected in the era of the Renaissance where there was political turmoil and many European nations were at war. Shakespeare presents the theme in other forms as well; family versus family, sacred versus profane, parent versus child and language versus inner conflict. Conflict is a key in the structure of the play; it is highlighted in the beginning, middle and end. As an audience we areR ead MoreThemes InShooting An Elephant, By George Orwell840 Words  | 4 PagesRecently I have read the essay â€Å"Shooting an Elephant†by George Orwell. The essay consists of Orwell reliving his younger years, when he was a Colonial police officer in Burma for the British Empire. He further describes the local’s disdain for European presence, him included. A constant theme that appears in the essay is roundabouts or contradictions; an example being Orwell claiming he hates imperialism, yet ironically works as an imperialist cop rather than quit the job. As the essay progresses, OrwellRead MoreWhat Are The Similarities Between Harry Potter And The Sorcerers Stone708 Words  | 3 Pagesstop him. In Booked by Kwame Alexander. Nick finds out his parents are getting divorced and this shocks Nick’s world. But He has his friends help him through it. In this Essay you will be seeing the similar theme in friendship, the similar symbols using a sports and the diff ering setting These two books have a similar theme. That theme is friendship. Even though there worlds may be way different they have similar best friends. In the novel Booked Coby (Nick’s best friend) helps Nick with his familyRead MoreThe Themes of Love and Hate in William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet544 Words  | 3 PagesThe Themes of Love and Hate in William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet This essay is about the contrast of love and hate in the play by Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet. The essay tells you about how Shakespeare uses language and actions to promote the themes of love and hate and contrast throughout the play. The way he uses certain characters as love and others as hate and how change the story line with the contrast. While Romeo is at the ball he spots Juliet and instantlyRead More The Numerous Themes in Othello Essay1715 Words  | 7 PagesThe Numerous Themes in Othello     The Shakespearean tragedy Othello contains a number of themes; their relative importance and priority is debated by literary critics. In this essay let us examine the various themes and determine which are dominant and which subordinate.  A. C. Bradley, in his book of literary criticism, Shakespearean Tragedy, describes the theme of sexual jealousy in Othello:  But jealousy, and especially sexual jealousy, brings with it a sense of shameRead MoreThemes Of Love And Hate1443 Words  | 6 PagesLove and hate are both an occurring theme in both Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare and Frankenstein by Mary Shelly. In this essay I will be comparing the similarities and differences of the way that the two texts portray the feeling of love and hate. The essay will be divided into different topics that I will be comparing, these following topics will be: death, passion, betrayal and one more. Romeo and Juliet was a play that was written by the famous English poet, playwright William Shakespeare whoseRead MoreSimilarities and Differences Between Romeo and Juliet and Lord of the Flies1676 Words  | 7 Pages1. How does civilization breakdown as time passes in RJ and LOTF? †¢ Montague and Capulet families have been bitter enemies for generations. †¢ Bitter hate even extend to the families’ servants who open the play fighting in the streets. †¢ Arguments end up in fights resulting in murder, followed by revenge and more murder – Tybalt kills Mercutio, Romeo kills Tybalt despite knowing that Tybalt is his new wife’s cousin. †¢ Juliet finds out that Romeo kills her cousin, but tolerates it. †¢ Juliet wouldRead MoreBrontes Approach to the Theme of Suffering in Jane Eyre Essay579 Words  | 3 PagesBrontes Approach to the Theme of Suffering in Jane Eyre Works Cited Missing Jane Eyre is a book written by Charlotte Bronte in 1847. The author was, undoubtedly, influenced by the social and historical context of that time. In this essay, I will be exploring the theme of suffering in the first chapters of the novel and will explore how Bronte approaches this theme. Suffering occurs several times throughout the novel and Bronte clearly uses these occurrences to influenceRead MoreEdgar Allen Poe s The Cask Of Amontillado1528 Words  | 7 Pageslife contribute greatly towards the gothic themes of his work, conflicts of love and hate as well as self and the alter ego, have influenced his writing on death and delusional characters. Though there are many notable writers and poets who contributed to the field of English literature in the 19th century, Edgar was among those who remained on the sidelines despite their extraordinary talent. In all of Poe s works, the themes of emotional pain, love and hate, despair and delusion are common (Halliburton)Read MoreEssay on Conquering My Fear of Writing1002 Words  | 5 PagesConquering My Fear of Writing Lacking experience in writing and reading, English is my most feared subject. It is the one and only vulnerable spot in my otherwise invincible academic armor. I hate writing and I despise reading. Other than magazines, I cannot recall reading anything since The Crucible which was a teacher assigned book in my sophomore high school English class. Not that I read a lot before that, I dont remember reading any books in my middle school years neither. Now, with
Monday, December 9, 2019
John Dillinger Essay Summary Example For Students
John Dillinger Essay Summary Josh PerkinsOn June 22, 1903 a man named John Dillinger was born. He grew up in the Oak Hill Section of Indianapolis. When John was three years old his mother died, and when his fatehr remarried six years later, John resented hes stepmother. When John was a teenager he was frequently in trouble. He finally quit school and got a job in a machine shop in Indianapolis. He was very intelligent and a good worker, but he soon got bored and often stayed out all night. His father began to think that the city was corrupting his son, so he sold his property in Indianapolis and moved his family to a farm near Mooresville, Indiana. John reacted no better to rural life than he had to that in the city and soon began to run wild again. At the age of 21 he attempted his first robbery, robbing a grocery store, in his home town. He was caught and imprisoned for nine years until 1933. Soon after he was released, Dillinger robbed a bank in Bluffton, Ohio and was arrested by the Dayton police. He was put in Lima county jail to wait for his trial. The Lima police found a document on John which seemed to be a plan for a prison break, but he denied everything. Four days later, using the same plans, eight of Dillingers friends escaped from the Indiana State Prison, using shotguns and rifles which had been smuggled into their cells. During their escape, they killed two guards. On October 12, three of the escaped prisoners and a parolee from the same prison showed up at the Lima jail where Dillinger was. They told the sheriff that they had come to return Dillinger to the Indiana State Prison for violation of his parole. When the sheriff asked to see their credentials, one of the men pulled a gun, shot the sheriff and beat him into unconsciousness. They took the keys, freed Dillinger, locked the sheriffs wife and a deputy in the cell, and left. Leaving the sheriff to die on the floor. These four mens fingerprint cards were pulled, indicating that they were wanted. Meanwhile, Dillinger and his gang pulled several bank robberies. They also stole several machine guns, rifles, and revolvers, a quantity of ammunition, and several bulletproof vests. By mid-1934, Dillinger had been involveed in at least ten bank robberies in Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin, and South Dakota. He was hiding in Chicago with a woman by the name of Anna Sage. This acquaintace was said to be the one who told on John. She told federal agents she would be wearing a red dress when she and a girl friend accompanied Dillinger to the theater. Sage became famous as the lady in red.Agents were waiting outside to arrest him. Dillinger grabbed a pistol from his trouser pocket and attempted to flee, the three agents opened fire. Dillinger was pronounced dead at 10:50 p.m. at Alexian Brothers Hospital. John Herbert Dillinger was killed July 22, 1934 in front of a Chicag movie theater. He was shot four times. Two shots grazed his face, one shot pertruded into is arm ,and the fourth shot entered the back of his head, exiting underneath his right eye. John was 31 years old when he died. He had been at the top of the Federal Bureau of Investigations Ten Most Wanted list for a month before he died. He and his gang terrorized the Midwest, killing ten men, wounding seven others, robbing banks and police arenals, and stageing three jail breakskilling a sheriff during one and wounding two guards in another.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Investment Management Essay Example
Investment Management Essay 24/02/2013 1 25721 INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT Lecturers: Sean Anthonisz Nadima El-Hassan Jianxin Wang Brandon Zhu Subject Coordinator: Jianxin Wang Objectives 2 ? ? ? ? Why do you take this subject? What do you expect to learn? How much did you pay for this subject? Is this a good investment? Investment Decisions 3 ? ? How much should I invest in risky assets? How much should I invest in different risky assets? ? ? How many risky assets should I hold? When not to diversify? ? How to determine mispricing? Fair value today? Expected return next year? ? How well do asset pricing models work? ? ? 1 24/02/2013 Investment Decisions 4 ? Passive versus active investing ? ? Is market efficient? Why not? What does it take to beat the market? How to hedge and how much to hedge? Derivative pricing Trading cost, liquidity, private information ? How should I manage risk? ? ? ? How should I trade? ? ? Sources of my performance? What Do We Learn in This Subject? 5 ? ? ? ? A theoretical framework for portfolio construction. A theoretical framework for the pricing of equities and bonds. Some practical applications of asset pricing models and portfolio analysis. Issues relating to market efficiency and investor behaviour. Course Structure 6 Funds Management Information Portfolio Theory Risk and Return Markets and Investing CAPM Factor Models APT Options Fixed Income Equities Futures 2 24/02/2013 Investment Electives 7 ? ? ? ? ? ? 25705 Financial Modelling and Forecasting 25728 Bond Portfolio Management 25729 Applied Portfolio Management 24731 International Finance 25762 Synthetic Financial Products A whole range of subjects for Quant Fin majors: technical analysis, numerical analysis, fin econometrics, stat methods, derivative pricing, interest rate modelling. Prerequisite 8 ? ? 25742 Financial Management Basic math and statistics We will write a custom essay sample on Investment Management specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Investment Management specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Investment Management specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Basic calculus and optimization Probability and distributions ? Mean, variance, standard deviation, covariance ? Linear regression by ordinary least square (OLS) ? ? ? Read the online Quantitative Review ? A very brief review next week What Is Expected – in class 9 ? Lectures are primarily aimed at Identifying and explaining key concepts and issues Highlighting the links to practice ? Completing selected problems from text ? ? ? Questions are encouraged and rewarded. ? Discussion is better than lecture Mutual respect and encouragement; Potential problems: repeated late arrivals, chatting during lecture, academic honesty Code of behavior ? ? 3 24/02/2013 What Is Expected – outside class 10 ? Address some details within the course reading materials. ? Group study is more effective ? ? Workload is about 7-8 hours per week on average (albeit uneven), including course readings, practices, and assignments. Multiple learning channels: ? ? Multiple levels of learning: ? Web-bas ed learning support Lecture material, textbook, and Excel sheets Approach to Learning 11 ? ? ? Read relevant chapters prior to lectures Attempt to identify and understand the key messages: Concepts? Issues? Connections? Ask questions during lecture. ? You paid $$$ for the opportunity ? ? Think reflect; don’t just summarize memorize. Practice using back-of-chapter questions. Approach to Learning I listen and I forget; I see and I remember; I do and I understand. Xun Zi Just Do It! Nike 12 4 24/02/2013 Textbook and Readings 13 ? Bodie, Kane, Marcus, Investments, 9th Ed, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2011. ? You take full responsibility if using an earlier edition. ? ? ? ? Harvard Business School case study 9202-024 â€Å"Strategic Capital Management†. R. A. Haugen, Modern Investment Theory, 5th Ed, Pearson Higher Education, 2001. J. H. Cochrane, 2006, Investments Notes. Other fun books on financial markets. Assessments 14 ? Weekly online quizzes: 10 marks ? ? ? ? ? 15 MC questions in 1 hour Unlimited tries with the best mark kept Monday morning to next Wednesday midnight Once closed, quizzes cannot be reopened Best 10 marks for the semester Group-based case report Online group registration Report due 5pm Friday March 29 Late submissions carry point deduction ? Case study in lecture 6: 10 marks ? ? ? ? Assessments 15 ? Mid-session exam: 40 marks ? ? ? ? Cover lectures 1 – 6, including the case study Multiple-choice (20 marks) Short-answer questions (20 marks) No formula sheet Cover lectures 7 – 13, excluding lecture 8 Multiple-choice (20 marks) Short-answer questions (20 marks) A short list of formulas will be identified and provided during the final exam. ? Final exam: 40 marks ? ? ? ? 5 24/02/2013 Online Group Registration 16 ? ? ? ? ? ? Log in the online course website Click on â€Å"Groups†in the left panel Group names contain â€Å"1m†, â€Å"2m†, â€Å"3m†, â€Å"4m†, indicating max members = 1, 2, 3, 4, respectively. The first member is the group leader. Registration closes after 5pm on March 10. Changing group only in the most extreme circumstances. What’s Required? 17 ? ? ? Materials covered in the chapters listed in the lecture program, except certain subsections are explicitly excluded. The midsession and the final exams will focus on materials covered during lectures, with at most 3-4 multiple-choice questions in each exam on materials not covered in lectures. Materials not covered in lectures will be heavily featured in the online quizzes. Administrative Issues 8 ? Name sign: â€Å"Open†for the business of learning ? Take it out at the start of every lecture It’s good to make the lecturer know your name ? Come to consultation hours ? ? ? Other times by appointment Email for straightforward questions Complex questions are best answered through interactive discussion ? Emails will be answered before or during the next consultation hours ? 6 24/02/2013 Learning Support P ostgraduate ? ? ? ? ? Need help with your postgraduate studies at UTS Business School? Are you new to university / postgraduate education? Not sure to how develop your academic skills in writing, reading, critical thinking etc.? Not sure how to complete assignments or achieve your best? Ask for help from the Learning Support Coordinator ? ? ? ? ? ? Make appointments for confidential individual help Lots of ‘online study resources’ to recommend / hardcopy study resources to share Attend the Study Skills Workshops all semester / or download them / Help by email / phone support / Email: [emailprotected] edu. au www:http://www. business. uts. edu. au/teaching/student/resources/studen t-learning. tml Join us on facebook UTSBlearningsupport ? Asset Classes 20 ? ? ? ? ? ? The money market The bond market The equity market The real estate market Currency markets Derivative markets ? Financial and commodities ? Others? Trading Platforms 21 ? Organized exchanges Dealership markets Auction markets ? Electronic trading ? ? ? ? OTC NASDAQ Alternative trading systems (ATS) ? ECNs, dark pools, internal crossings. ? Algor ithm/high frequency trading 7 24/02/2013 High Frequency Trading 22 ? Menkveld (2011): a HFTer on Chi-X Dutch stocks from Jan 2007 to June 2008 Trades 1400 times per stock per day ? Gross profit per trade â‚ ¬0. 88 ? ? ? ? ? â‚ ¬1. 55 profit on the spread net of fees â‚ ¬0. 45 profit on positions 5 seconds â‚ ¬1. 13 loss on positions = 5 seconds Max capital committed ? â‚ ¬2 million per stock ? Implied annualized Sharpe ratio = 9. 35! ? ? Sharpe ratio for SP500 over the period = -0. 16 ? Chi-X is in Australia. Costs of Trading 23 ? Commission: fee paid to broker for making the transaction ? Exchange members/subscribers? ? Spread: Bid and ask prices Spread: ask – bid ? P89, #14 ? Market versus limit orders ? ? ? Price impact of large trades Stock Margin Trading 24 ? ? ? ? Borrow (from brokers) to purchase shares Initial margin Maintenance margin minimum level the equity margin can be Margin call ? Call for more equity funds ? Margin arrangements differ for stocks and derivatives 8 24/02/2013 Margin Trading Initial Conditions 25 ? ? ? ? ? X Corp: P = $70 Initial Margin = 50% Maintenance Margin = 40% 1000 Shares Purchased Initial Position: Stock $70,000 Borrowed Equity $35,000 $35,000 Maintenance Margin 26 ? ? Stock price falls to $60 per share New Position ? $60,000=$35,000(Borrowed) + 25,000(Equity) ? Margin = $25,000/$60,000 = 41. 67% How far can the price fall before a margin call? ? ? (1000P $35,000) / 1000P = 40% P = $58. 33 ? P88, #9 Short Sale 27 ? ? Purpose: Profit from a price fall Mechanics Borrow stock through a dealer/broker Sell it and deposit proceeds and margin in an account ? Any dividend is passed back to the lender ? Closing out the position ? ? ? ? Buy back the stock and return it to the lender Prof its can be deposited into your own account ? Naked versus covered short sale 9 24/02/2013 Short Sale Initial Conditions 28 Z Corp Initial Margin Maintenance Margin Initial Price Sale Proceeds Margin Account Balance 100 Shares 50% 30% $100 $10,000 $ 5,000 $15,000 Short Sale Maintenance Margin 29 ? Stock Price Rises to $110 Stock owed Net equity ? Margin % (4000/11000) ? ? $11,000 $ 4,000 36% ? ? How much can the stock price rise before a margin call? ($15,000 100P) / (100P) = 30% P = $115. 38 P89, #12 Summary 30 ? Course introduction and requirements ? Think, reflect, and participate ? ? Financial markets and assets Trading of financial assets Trading platforms Transaction costs ? Margin trading and short selling ? ? 10
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